ReceivedDo we recognize and use what we have received from God? Love received and love shared. Praise God!
In the breezeWe don't know where it came from or where it is going, but we can enjoy it in the moment. And the same can be said for all things in...
What's the replacement?To believe; or not to believe. That's the decision. To believe is to live a Christ-like life. But to not believe. What's the...
UnquenchableThere is nothing in this world which permanently satisfies the the thirst of our desires. People search and think they find it, but it...
Temporal"Pertaining to this life or this world or the body only; secular." How we look, what we wear, eat, drive, live in, do for a living......
What do we need?Shelter, food, clothing... Love. We didn't come into the world with anything; and we certainly won't leave with anything either. So...
PossibleALL things are possible for God. There is nothing this world can throw at us that is more powerful than our God. Praise God!
But also narrowThe entry way to heaven is narrow. We don't want a bunch of excess baggage preventing us from fitting through. Praise God!
Flat and straightWe have to decide our path in life. God gives us that choice. He also gives us options to choose from. His our time tested and proven....
HonorTo receive it, or to live it? It seems many people want to receive it, but not live it! To God be all glory and praise. How about we...