SpiritedWe are gifted by God with different charisms. Not for our own good, but for the collective good of His children and our family. We...
Light and dayOur world is full of darkness with people moving about in it. Jesus Christ is the light and He calls us into it. His light protects us,...
Spiritual povertyIf we do not have a real relationship with Jesus we are spiritually poor. This was one reason Jesus came and our responsibility to share...
Interior crisisAn unfortunate reality for Jesus' disciples. We see the things our Teacher shows us and then we see the reality of the world. Not the...
Tranquil livesToday, St Paul talks to the people about living tranquil lives. This is what God wants for us. Yet, people are always busy, busy,...
ReliantDepend on someone. More specifically Jesus. Our loving Lord showed us exactly how far He is willing to go for each and every one of us....
Spiritual preparationsRealistically we can't do all of it ourselves. Remember, faith is a gift from God. As such we need to only invite Jesus to do in us...
UnequaledThere is what we can try to do on our own. And then there is what we can do with God. Glorify God!
John knewSt John the Baptist knew he must decrease so Jesus could increase. His life complimented Jesus' life. And now they are together,...