Our Mother's DayThe Virgin Mary. The Mother of God. Our Mother. Let us thank Mama for all she did and all she is doing. Jesus Christ is Lord!
Holy FamiliesAn enemy and target of the devil who causes division. We must embrace God's gifts of identity and vocation; and model ourselves after...
What's importantWhat our Heavenly Father has planned for us in this life. When our will becomes His Will we will fulfill it whether we know it or not....
New LightJesus Christ is the Light of the World. When we enter into a relationship with Him we gradually leave the darkness and enter into light...
Childlikeness On this Feast Day of the Holy Innocents we are reminded to be childlike: giving of ourselves without understanding the consequence....
Beyond friendshipSt John the Evangelist. "The Disciple whom Jesus loved." Their relationship reflects the relationship our Lord desires with each of us....
MartyrdomYesterday we celebrated Jesus Christ's birthday and today we recognize St Stephen the first martyr. We are all called to martyrdom. Not...
A Blessed Christmas!In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came to be...
A hallowed eveAnd suddenly there was a multitude of the heavenly host with the angel, praising God and saying: “Glory to God in the highest and on...
RealizingWhat is really worth our time and effort. Not much of the stuff in this world. But One thing from One Person: Love. Jesus Christ in Lord!