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Closing the Greatest Distance in the Universe
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accepting His yes
Jesus says "yes" to us? Do we truly accept it?
hard hearted
The availability of our hearts to God is of the utmost importance. We may not be able to accept what God is revealing initially; and...
being fed
If we recite the "Our Father" we ask for exactly that and so much more; "give us this day our daily bread" - to have all of our daily...
Jesus walked amongst His creation, teaching and healing, in an orchestrated melody of love, mercy, and compassion. His actions gently...
getting our attention
God is always trying to get our attention. The Epiphany shows us exactly what happens when we pay attention and follow Him. We...
Andrew asks Jesus where He is staying. Jesus simply replies, "come and see." Where is Jesus staying in your daily life?
Our place in God's creation. A new year, a new path, a new purpose; the purpose God intended. We only have to look at the life of any...
In a world that cannot agree on the definition of the word; "Woman" is Mary, The Mother of God. Without Mary there is no Jesus Christ. ...
Glory to God in the Highest! This is only Day 7 of Christmas so keep singing those songs of praise.
The reason for Jesus' birth. He is doing what we are unable of doing for ourselves.
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