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Closing the Greatest Distance in the Universe
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On this second day of Lent in the Jubilee Year "Pilgrims of Hope" we are clearly call to choose between God's way or our own. God's way...
What we do out of charity and mercy for neighbor should be unseen. Only God needs to see.
keep nothing
God's love, graces, and fruits from talents are to be shared freely. We came into the world naked, and we will certainly leave the same...
Being merciful is not sugar coating our words. It is telling the whole truth with a charitable (loving) heart.
Does everything we say and do glorify our Heavenly Father?
Through St John Jesus gave His Blessed Mother to all of us and we are her children. As children do, let us run to Mama Mary when we are...
God tempers us against the "world" like a swordsmith heats and strikes a blade. Our sword is God's word which slays with love, truth,...
St Augustine wrote about "how our lives should compliment the song we sing." It doesn't matter if we are off tempo or out of key as long...
Our faith life is not just simply about learning. Our faith life is a life-long experience where God forms us through experiences and...
The Giver
God is The Giver. It is not about the gift, but The Giver.
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