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Closing the Greatest Distance in the Universe
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...God touches our hearts so intensely, we just know.
To "ponder"
Our Blessed Mother at a tender age shows us how to ponder God's word. With our hearts.
Let it be done
Go to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and read today's scriptures. See what we can do when we cooperate with our God's...
Trusting... a two-way street. We can say I trust in Jesus and try to live that out in our daily lives. But the other side and big question...
There comes the point when we must decide. We are either all in or all out. We can't stand in the doorway any longer. Which is it? ...
Rejoicing in today
It's just another Monday, right? Not at all. This Monday won't be like any Monday past or future. This Monday is one of a kind. A...
Pronounced "gow-deh-tay." Latin for "rejoice." It is not just for this Third Sunday of Advent. We REJOICE every day whether we are...
Love's priorities
God first. Neighbor as self. Family and friends. Ourselves. Provides a very quick means of assessing one's life; it we choose to use it.
As children of God are we lovingly faithful to our Heavenly Father?
People ask God for signs. And He has and continues to give them, but the people don't notice. Just look at Our Lady of Guadalupe.
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