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Closing the Greatest Distance in the Universe
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The cure
Comes in many forms but only from one source - Jesus. Some people are physically healed of an illness which often lasts until death. ...
Not caring
Is not an option. If we know the "Golden Rule" for example, we must live by it. Period. That is simply what we as God's children do. ...
Jesus said things which made people uncomfortable. The same is true today. Why? Because His words are "THE" truth which contradicts...
Every new horizon brings a new encounter with the Lord and a new perspective.
Why does it seem that so many people think they are so important and deserving of recognition? God came to earth and served His creation...
A quote from St Jerome: "Til your good is better, and your better is best."
The way forward
Jesus is the "way." He leads us to himself and ultimately to the Father through the Holy Spirit. Going forward leaves everything else...
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