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Closing the Greatest Distance in the Universe
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No quitters
We read scripture, or about the martyrs and saints, and we see God's children who went the distance even if their lives were cut short.
an element of trust. I talk with people who feel hopeless or see situations in our world that appear hopeless. Our God not only loves...
What is separating you from a loved one? Do you even remember? Why not be a beam of light, reaching out, touching that person, and...
Knowing who Jesus is enables us to know who we are.
our Cross
Jesus' Cross is holy and as such makes our Cross holy. Do we truly treat it as such?
choose wisely
seems like a no brainer? However, the world is extremely complicated and we can find ourselves bombarded by 360 degrees of visual and...
Daily life throws a lot of stuff at us. Who do we turn to first to bring us peace to weather out whatever is thrown at us?
Jesus tells us very clearly what it looks like when we overstep our boundaries. Do we recognize that warning when we hear it?
The course
Our Heavenly Father creates us for a specific purpose within Him Divine Plan and sets a course for us to achieve it. The course has many...
The alternative
Pick a recent news headline. Most will shock the conscious and cause fear or unanswerable questions. While we're called to stay...
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