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Closing the Greatest Distance in the Universe
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Whatta you gonna do?
Its the first day of a new week and much of what lies ahead is unknown. And so we stat walking; and we take one step at a time and we...
Just got back from the 12th Christ Our Life in Des Moines, Iowa. 24 hours of Jesus. A lot to process this week. What a grace. Next...
How much has the world changed you? Jesus can change you back...
Little differences
Jesus through His death and resurrection made the BIG difference for all mankind. As His disciples we continue by making little...
Jesus always prepares us to do the things He wants us to do. He also accompanies us.
To act on anything in life should start with prayer. This is followed by allowing God to lead us and to give Him the the glory.
What are yours? What is No. 1? Any answer other than "get to heaven" falls short of our God given purpose.
The beat
Daily life has a rhythm; like a heart beat. And there are days when the beat needs to be faster and days when it is slower. Let God be...
Avoiding quicksand
The most direct route isn't always the easiest, or best. We must routinely stop, look and assess, make adjustments to avoid hitting...
An example
St Peter heeded Jesus' call to step out of the boat and walk on the water. Peter did in fact walk on the water until he was distracted. ...
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