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Closing the Greatest Distance in the Universe
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A burden?
Is saying "yes" to Jesus' invitation to follow Him a burden? There is only one way to truly find out.
Being wiser
God gives us our intellectual faculties. We then have to allow Him to fill us with His heavenly wisdom to enable us to serve as He...
The Lamb of God
St John the Baptist spoke very clearly on who Jesus was. Do we?
From love
Love is not a feeling, a commodity, or a great gift to give. Love is the fundamental energy source of all that is known to exist. Love...
Hard lessons... life; are remembered lessons. Our lives are filled with successes and failures, just as it is filled with joys and sorrows. We...
There are many people who want to live in the past and it defines them. Not good. Then there are people who take stock of their past,...
Where to go?
There is only one true direction. Our world of aimless wandering clearly shows what it looks like when we are not on the correct path.
Jesus is the vine, the rock, the Cross, the Light; and the Life. We must cling to Him and live with our family and friends to stay...
The folly of the Cross
A horrific tool of death. An extraordinary tool of dearth. We're called to pick up the latter daily.
Are nothing more than lies. Jesus very simply tells the truth out of love. No exaggerations needed.
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