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Closing the Greatest Distance in the Universe
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Always better
What's the allure for countless people? Fame, money, and power... Let's break those three down: Fame - short lived Money - during one's...

The affect of the thorn
A curse or a grace. That something that gets our attention, redirects us, humbles us, at the most opportune moment. A great grace. Jesus...

He seeks you
A relationship with a person, and God are totally the opposite. God, who created you, sustains you, watches and listens to every moment...

Turn around
Our plans and God's plans. Usually not the same. Our plans sometimes work out okay and God's plans always work out for the best. Some...

Activity within
I have heard Christians referred to as Tabernacles of our Lord. A Tabernacle is a repository for the Blessed Sacrament as there is not a...

Not always felt
Just because we don't "feel" Jesus with us doesn't mean He isn't. When we make ourselves available to Him, He is always with us. And...

Hearing the Lord
Jesus is always talking to us in a variety of ways. Sometimes it is that interior voice and other times it is through something we are...

Do you do this?
Do you dwell on the "woulda, coulda, and shoulda" of life? And it is easy to recognize. If so; STOP IT!. Ask the Lord and Mother Mary...
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