St Elizabeth of the TrinitySpent a long weekend at the St Benedict Center, Schuyler, NE, focusing on contemplative prayer based on St Elizabeth, presented by...
StayingWe stray (sin), we find our way back to God; and then we repeat. For many of this it is a recurring theme of life. Through God's grace...
ReturningIt is extremely easy to turn and get lost from God and God's ways. And it is equally easy to return to Him who loves us beyond our...
On the Rock"The gates of hell shall not prevail." We are in a spiritual war! The only sure protection is Jesus Christ and His Church... Jesus...
FragileWe are physically, mentally, and most importantly spiritually fragile. Everything we do and hear has an impact on us. The question is: ...
Encountering JesusHow do we seek Jesus? Authentically. We meet our Friend and Lord as we are and where we are. In conversation we share our deepest...
In the boatWe are all in the same boat. And there ae storms, many storms. But there is only one things to do. Keep our eyes on Jesus. Jesus...
Living wellIs Christ-centered, authentic, simple, and measured not by possessions, success, or fame; but by the good produced in life. Jesus Christ...
Excessive noiseA tool and tactic of the evil one. My wife and I visited a new grocery store where we were bombarded by excessively loud music. Research...
Trusting the LordA foundational element of all relationships. But even more important than earthly friendships as humans disappoint one another. Our...