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Closing the Greatest Distance in the Universe
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Life with God is learning and experiencing. At the point He knows we are ready we will be activated like Abraham, Moses, and David to do...

The state of the world as we know it raises a lot of questions and instills a lot of negative emotions. We must not forget Jesus has it...

The evil one is on an all-out offensive and we are being attacked from all directions. We must remove those things and people who...

Full potential?
Are we working and playing at our God-given full potential? If we don't know, we need to ask Him. Jesus Christ is Alive!

Not a feeling
A real relationship with Jesus will result in changes in our lives. The changes won't necessarily result in "feelings." We will simply...

Complete Joy
If Jesus' joy is in us, our joy is complete. Jesus' joy is not perpetual happiness. His joy is a grace which empowers us to be merciful...

Love one another
Or more specifically - sacrificial love. God loved us first so we can love. And so we love with no expectation of anything in return. ...

We are all sick and suffering. And so many are trying to find there own remedy. There is only one cure. Jesus Christ is Alive!

Inner self
God dwells in us. He is us and we are He. God's creation is one as He is one. We need to stop trying to separate everything that is of...

Pleasure principle vs. reality principle. Freud suggests the first is immaturity where the focus is disregarding everything except for...
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