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Closing the Greatest Distance in the Universe
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Stop believing!
That will get a Christian's attention, but it's not what one would think. I recently heard a priest simply say, "We need to stop...

Aramaic for "truth." And what is truth? Truth is not a what, but a who. Jesus Christ clearly stated "I am the truth, the way, and the...

Good Counsel
I recently heard an Orthodox Priest say, "Stop believing everything you think." On this Pentecost Sunday let us reflect on Jesus' gift -...

Theory of God
To believe, not believe, or remain neutral. A theory is a supposition, a belief or idea based on limited evidence, but not necessarily...

Like a raging fire
God's flames of love ad truth do not destroy, but purify and strengthen us. We burn as do our neighbors. The raging fire is ordered...

I'll let you look it up. As a Child of God, not only filled with but using the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and sent by the Lord. Jesus...

Not the four-legged species, but the two-legged species St Paul warns about. They attack and destroy the weak of faith. Jesus is the...

We must remain securely positioned upon the rock established by Jesus Christ if we are to weather the coming storms. We run the risk of...

Living it
Most things in life are one way or another - two choices. Our faith life which is the most important is the same. We either live it to...

To follow the promptings of Jesus through the Holy Spirit and Guardian Angel. We can actually make the difference before it is needed....
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