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Closing the Greatest Distance in the Universe
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How real is real?
Pick anything and ask that question. And the next question is "How do we know?" And the answer is "We just do." And that is a gift from...
At both ends
Jesus speaks the Word that creates and the Word of final judgement. We need to listen to everything between those ends. Jesus Christ is...
Get out of the noise
We allow ourselves to be over stimulated by sights and sounds. When what we need physically, mentally, and spiritually is silence. We...
Didn't go as planned?
I have days like that more frequently than I care to admit. Was going to do X, Y, and Z, and didn't get one of them done. I use to ask...
We need to stop; and look at our world and where we are at in it. Do we honestly believe our placement is random? Our God is all...
We seem to forget where the evil one is in the hierarchy of God's creation. He is a creature, not a creator. And Momma Mary will crush...
Lightening our cross
Truth be told most of the weight on our crosses is self imposed. Remember, Jesus told us His yoke is easy and burden light. We need to...
The right focus
I saw a video podcast titled "Focus on Yourself." I will argue the focus is "Jesus First." If I focus on Jesus, who is focusing on me,...
Seeing, not blinded
To truly see all things as they are; and what they are. There is a big difference between the "as" and the "are." The first is mostly...
tunnel vision
There is that adage about the light at the end of the tunnel. Well, Jesus should be our focus, that Light at the end of our tunnel. ...
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