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Closing the Greatest Distance in the Universe
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For life
We easily get lost in the moment. But it is just that. God's plan for us is so much more. We need to keep our focus on Him and not the...
Won't go hungry
Our Father feeds us every day in many ways to nourish our souls. Let us recognize and be thankful for being spiritually filled. Jesus...
Mileage may vary
God offers us everything we absolutely need in this life for the next. How far we get depends on us. For example: if we are not in a...
Straight and level
We must maintain the course our Lord has set for all of us. Our sins change that course and if not corrected we will certainly crash....
We should always be ascending, and not descending. Therefore, we need to check our altitude frequently. Jesus Christ is Lord!
Pace yourself
Pace, a consistent and continuous speed in moving (forward and upward.) We don't want to go too slow to be distracted of diverted, or...
Unto the way
Do our lives, by words and deeds, direct others to Jesus? Or do we misdirect? Jesus Christ is Lord!
What do we say?
And so we cling to the rock, Jesus Christ, in good times and in bad. But what are we saying ___ to others? Are we proclaiming the good...
What are we standing on?
There is what we believe, and what the world tells us. Contradictory. Are we standing on a rock or in sand? Jesus' analogy. There...
Word & Outcome
We are offered knowledge to increase our faith. We learn and come to use words of faith. We grow up while still trying to remain like...
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