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Closing the Greatest Distance in the Universe
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Our culture today is filled with obsessions - youthfulness, physical health, wealth, success, entertainment, and recreation. We grow...

1st Commandment: “You shall have no other gods before Me.” In our godless world, people establish a vast array of idols for themselves...

It's not just about growing older, being successful, or accumulating stuff. It's about loving in the reality of the world as God planned....

Dirty hands
Honest work that contributes to a greater good. We should not be afraid of getting our hands dirty. Jesus Christ is Lord!

Not lacking or complete. Hopeful, Faithful, or Merciful. A life where God is the center of our attention does not lack or is not...

State of being or quality. Godliness: is not being a god, but being like God. We are His children created in His image and likeness. ...

Having a powerful effect on a situation or person. Jesus desires to be a fire burning within us, to consume us, to explode out of us and...

Being receptive
God is always giving and desires to give even more. Are we willing to receive? Jesus Christ is Lord!

All Glory to God
We need to be reminded frequently: it is not about us. It is all about God. Everything we do and say should reflect the Glory of God...
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