ChangeableGod can change us as long as we are alive and willing. As Advent quickly approaches and we prepare our hearts to receive Emmanuel, our...
AttainableThe "things" God wants us to do or have are easily attainable. They may still require effort on our part but will not be extremely...
ExtremesOur world is full of extremes. A person can enjoy a glass of wine with their meal; or be an alcoholic. It is that way with just about...
SlowerGod did not create His children to always be on the go. God clearly doesn't rush and hurry to do things. He is slow, methodical, and...
Thankful reflectionToday is the perfect day to stop and reflect on all the good in our lives. And in doing so to recognize the source of all good - God. ...
No barrierWith God all things are possible. It is far easier when we let Him take the lead in our lives. Glorify God!
ImpactfulIt is nothing more than consistent and repetitive small deeds done out of love for God and neighbor that changes the world for good. The...
Going unnoticed In a world full of "hey, look at me" we should do acts of charity in a way that shines the Light of Christ t others without recognition...
In the givingIs where we truly meet and come to know Jesus. And it is from that people come to see Jesus through us. Glorify God!