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Closing the Greatest Distance in the Universe
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How'd we get here?
A very dear friend lost her baby at 18 weeks; and she is physically, emotionally, and spiritually devastated. And yet countless women...

Faith & Grace
God gifts us with faith. When we make ourselves available to Him He blesses us with grace. Receive! Glorify God!

Speaking out
Thus says the LORD: You, son of man, I have appointed watchman for the house of Israel; when you hear me say anything, you shall warn...

Disciple or follower
A disciple is a student. A follower is more on the periphery, watching. I am always trying to learn so I know Jesus better on a...

From Jesus alone comes our salvation. That makes Him our everything. He shows us what is important and what is not important in this...

Consolation & desolation
Two equally important stages of our faith life. Glorify God!

We are gifted by God with different charisms. Not for our own good, but for the collective good of His children and our family. We...

Light and day
Our world is full of darkness with people moving about in it. Jesus Christ is the light and He calls us into it. His light protects us,...

Spiritual poverty
If we do not have a real relationship with Jesus we are spiritually poor. This was one reason Jesus came and our responsibility to share...

Interior crisis
An unfortunate reality for Jesus' disciples. We see the things our Teacher shows us and then we see the reality of the world. Not the...
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