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Closing the Greatest Distance in the Universe
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Rome and Italy
Flying to Italy today on a 10-day pilgrimage. Have been there before, but as a tourist. Looking to encounter Jesus in yet another...

Great churches show us who God is. But do we worship God reverently when there? Do we arrive early and leave after the Mass is over,...

A faith life or: a life of faith, is emotional. And so there are the ups and downs; or downs and ups. While God is always present, it...

A funny topic? God has an amazing sense of humor and He created us with the ability to laugh. We need to stop taking the world and...

God loves you...
...and has a plan for you; and it is good. There is a greater purpose for everything in our lives. To accept it with humble heart, to...

God forgives you
And in return you must forgive others. Be merciful as the Father is merciful. Glorify God!

God Bless You!
Yesterday I assisted dear friends with the funeral of their 18-week old son. Make sense? No. A pain-filled moment? Very much so. And...

Our Blessed Mother experienced and endured many sorrows in her life. She shows us how to do it in our own earthly lives. Glorify God!

Raised up
A moment in history that changed the course of history. Jesus died to conquer death. He was raised up so we can be raised up as well. ...

Die to self
Live in Christ. Will it be easy? No. Will it be painful? Yes. Will it be worth it? Absolutely. We give up this world while remaining...
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