ServantOne who serves another, providing help in some manner. Jesus came to serve, not be served. He invites us to do the same in small ways. ...
With ChristFreedom! - The things of the world are no longer distractions. - Less anxiety. - The simple things bring great pleasure. Jesus is the...
Spiritual training, step 7Community. Man was created to not be alone. And so we must be with fellow disciples to love and serve. We hold each other accountable...
Spiritual training, step 6Learn to ask God the hard questions. Why, How, What next? We need understanding; to see things the way God does. To readily discern...
Spiritual training, step 5Silence. We must learn to embrace pure silence. Not just a couple of minutes, but ultimately a couple of hours. In the silence we can...
Spiritual training, step 4Receive the Eucharist (Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ) frequently. The Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith...
Spiritual training, step 3Be in a state of grace. In other words, go to confession regularly. Our sins separate us from our Father and as such inhibit our...
Spiritual training, step 2How do we make friends? We talk to them; ask them questions about themselves, and tell them about ourselves. The same with Jesus. We...
Spiritual training, step 1Simply, we have to recognize the importance of having a relationship with The Father. Just like having a well balanced diet and physical...
Spiritually strongSo many people focus on the physical. We don't need to be able to push the boulder across the room. We need to be able to push the...