FerventlyPeople are fervent about many things, but not the One thing. A sports team, movie series, or whatever has no impact on one's eternal...
Exclaimed"To Cry Out." Jesus did! Do we? Do we fervently share the Risen and Living Christ with others? It is never too late to start doing so!...
ExclaimedMt 11:25-27 At that time Jesus exclaimed: "I give praise to you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for although you have hidden these...
Staying trueLet's not fool ourselves. We can't stay true to Jesus without Jesus. Alone, we will stray. With our Lord and Savior, we will make it...
RefugeBack from Steubenville 2023! An amazing spiritual experience for the youth and adults. This year's theme - Refuge. Simply: flee back...
As it shall beWhat God does today will lead to how it shall be. We are called to do the same. We may not know the impact of our word or deed, but God...
FamineToday's first reading details how God brings about a good in reuniting Joseph, his brothers, and ultimately his entire family during a...
AbundanceOn this feast day of St Benedict let us practice “Ora et labora” or “Prayer and Work.” There is a seemingly endless list of people and...
Man's nothingnessA farmer toiled, but God provided the rain, sun, and temps to bring the wheat to fruition. And it is such with everything on the earth. ...
VastnessIn God's vastness we are lost. Unrecognizable except by God Himself. And there is the amazing thing. God knows exactly where we are,...