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Closing the Greatest Distance in the Universe
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Stop second guessing God
It is clearly obvious people don't understand their roles in life. They (we) are the created and God is the Creator. He is outside of...
The importance of what we know
We can learn and know countless things, but how important is the majority of it? Which is more important; knowing the basics of...
The Father's backyard
Spent a week in the Boundary Waters of northern Minnesota where God showed me more about Himself and me. He tested me in ways I had...
The next chapter
The book of "Life" continues to be written each and every day with each of us as main characters. How will our story read? Praise God!
The Crucified Jesus brings the end to one story and the beginning to another. His was the ultimate sacrifice. We are called to...
Do we recognize and use what we have received from God? Love received and love shared. Praise God!
In the breeze
We don't know where it came from or where it is going, but we can enjoy it in the moment. And the same can be said for all things in...
What's the replacement?
To believe; or not to believe. That's the decision. To believe is to live a Christ-like life. But to not believe. What's the...
There is nothing in this world which permanently satisfies the the thirst of our desires. People search and think they find it, but it...
"Pertaining to this life or this world or the body only; secular." How we look, what we wear, eat, drive, live in, do for a living......
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