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Closing the Greatest Distance in the Universe
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Man and woman were never created to be alone. There is the intended three way relationship - with each other and with God. One person's...

The photo depicts demolished bricks. And yet they are still firmly attached to each other with the mortar. Such should be our...

Authentic life
Simply being and doing as God created each us. We're not from the same mold or cookie cutter, because God intended each of us to be...

Authentic truth
A fifth grader would define it as "truth that is authentic." Actually a good answer in a humorous way. More importantly, both describe...

Mend the gap
Two people have a disagreement they can't seem to resolve. They separate, pray, meet again, and pray together asking for the Holy Spirit...

So, why not?
It is complicated, but in a nutshell: We want to be in control of our lives. We put God behind glass and break the glass as a last...

Simple answers
Every life situation seems to be enormous and complicated, causing stress and anxiety. We ask God for help and He gives us simple...

Is risk worth it?
It seems like we enjoy bending the rules; sometimes even pushing things to their extreme limits. But is it worth it? What would our...

Dos and Dos
God's list of "dos" for us is much longer than His list of don'ts. It's in our doing that people know Jesus Christ is not only alive,...

A steadfast reliance on God results in a healthier life. Our faith is based on love, trust, and obedience. This significantly reduces...
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