PossibleALL things are possible for God. There is nothing this world can throw at us that is more powerful than our God. Praise God!
But also narrowThe entry way to heaven is narrow. We don't want a bunch of excess baggage preventing us from fitting through. Praise God!
Flat and straightWe have to decide our path in life. God gives us that choice. He also gives us options to choose from. His our time tested and proven....
HonorTo receive it, or to live it? It seems many people want to receive it, but not live it! To God be all glory and praise. How about we...
WaysWays are like truths. Everybody seems to think theirs is the one. Yes, there is One true One. Jesus'. Jesus is THE Way. Makes life...
Hearing .......Our ears pick up a lot of noise in the world. But the ears of our souls hear what is truly important. We just need to ask God to help...
Decisions?Whose making the decisions? The body, or the soul? Sins of the flesh are number 1 in the confessional. And so the real question...
HeartbeatsMedical research has revealed the heartbeats of two people in love synchronize. Have you allowed your heart to synchronize with Jesus'? ...
Thoughts vs. FeelingsWhat we think versus what we feel. Intellect and sense are both gifts from God for specific purposes. Our interiority can be one or...
"Go, and sin no more"We hear Jesus say this several times to people He encounters. We seek God's mercy, we receive God's mercy; but then what do we do with...