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Closing the Greatest Distance in the Universe
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Our Father's playground
Spent the last several days along the Platte River in central Nebraska watching the Sandhill Cranes during their annual migration north....

One big bouquet
Simply to love and compliment each other in our similarities and differences. I believe!

Red rose
The heart is like a red rose. It turns and opens to the Light. In opening it can receive Life Giving Water which only increases its...

Virtues bring freedom
The more virtuous (Christ like) we are, the less the evil one has to use against us; and the freer we become. I believe!

In our giving
The Lord asks us to give Him everything we are and have. This invitation to fully surrender is the perfect act of trust and love. And...

The Lord's Gaze
Jesus is always watching us. He patiently waits to catch our attention and share in a moment of looking into each other's eyes. We...

We are loved
More specifically, "You are loved." God loves us and delights in us; even with all of our little (and sometimes big) quirks. He loves...

We fall and skin a knee. It can get infected and become a serious health threat. The same is true mentally. A family member or friend...

Fighting temptations
If we have "stuff" in our lives we can't stop doing and we truly want to stop doing it; then the starting point is to recognize we can't...

Gracious heart
Our grace filled lives from a loving friendship with Jesus is what gives gracious hearts to be Christlike to others. I believe!
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