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Closing the Greatest Distance in the Universe
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It's not about fame or rewards. The only One Who needs to know and does know is God. Amen.

Not about perfection
We're not perfect. We can't do things perfectly. But God can still work through us. Amen.

Later than sooner
God doesn't just call us and send us out. He prepares us with the gifts and understanding to do what He needs done. Be patient. Amen.

God knows we can do more. We only have to allow Him to work through us. Amen.

Stop and appreciate
God provides countless opportunities each day to stop and appreciate where we are, who we are with, and what we have. Are we taking...

Another perfect SUNday
Woke up this morning to one of these. God is so good. Started with a fresh cup of coffee which God created. Praise God. Spending the...

We can't like everyone
I know; unexpected title. But it is true. Love and like are not the same thing. And the love God wants us to have for our neighbor is...

Safety in numbers
Like minded family members and friends of faith are extremely important in keeping us "ordered" with the Lord, and us likewise. Amen.

Order quo
God's plan going the way He intended. Are we part of it? Amen.

Seeing the better
When we freely participate in God's plan for others He often allows us to see the outcome which is always greater than the effort we had...
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