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Closing the Greatest Distance in the Universe
Recent Posts

Reaching out
Make no mistake; our Heavenly Father is always reaching out to us. We just might not recognize Him in the one doing the assisting. Amen.

The model for ALL relationships. Our God is our glue. Amen.

Close friendship. Family members and friends who have past from this life to the next draw us into a deeper intimacy with our God. We...

Our KNew life
Our Knowing Jesus and having a real relationship brings about our New life, bringing God's original plan into fruition. As family and...

The end of the journey
Death is inevitable. Many people try to avoid it or go fighting and screaming. It is the journey itself that prepares us for the end...

Going deeper
We have limits, God doesn't. We can go deeper and deeper into God's love, compassion, and mercy and never reach the bottom. It is...

Being merciful
Bringing someone relief from something unpleasant. As the Father's children it is just a way of life. Amen.

The BIG in the little
Jesus calls us to do greater things then He did. We are suppose to do those in little ways. In our littleness, His BIGNESS is revealed....

God's gift of "ungifting"
God is always at work in our lives. He is the loving and giving Father. He encourages us to ask for the things we need, and for others....

little by little
God's work on us is subtle. The changes occur little by little. And they are life altering forever. Amen.
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