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Closing the Greatest Distance in the Universe
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Knowing our place
I can only ever speak for myself. As a child of God I'm in a really BIG family. And as with any family there are specific roles. ...

Lean in and on
In an amazing conversation with a young sister in Christ we talked about just that. And she commented how she realized the importance of...

Full of surprises
Any day we walk with the Lord and allow Him to lead will be just that. And no matter how much He asks us to give. He will give us more....

Who planned today?
God did! How do I know? Before morning coffee I was battling a computer demon interfering with my wife's ministry, I barely had time to...

Help me now to pray – even without words. Help me to pray with my breathing To breathe in of your love and your peace To breathe out of...

In the newness
Another first day after Christmas. Many of us have been here before, and here we are again. This day is not yesterday and it isn't...

Peace filled
Twelfth Day of Christmas Early in Advent we looked forward to the Peace Jesus would bring us. Now on this last day of Christmas are we...

Eleventh Day of Christmas Jesus' love for us... He's 100 percent committed to our Father and us. He gives Himself completely with no...

Tenth Day of Christmas God born as a baby began something that can never be undone or stopped. We are one family who spans two worlds. ...

Ninth Day of Christmas We are all weak and sinful. It is unfortunately part of our inherited nature. But God loves us. He lifts us up. ...
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