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Closing the Greatest Distance in the Universe
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Yes, we are in the final days of this annual journey. But, it is the year's journeys that bring about a lasting understanding of the...

In yesterday's Gospel "Mary traveled in haste to Elizabeth." Haste in it's origin means "with purpose." In these last days of Advent...

Sunday of Love
Love is pure gift. It is truth and light. It brings about big changes in little ways. And God is the source. Alleluia!

At the heart of it all
We receive at no cost; and we are called to give at no cost. We have to risk it all, just as Jesus did. For there is no greater love...

Like leavened bread
Love is like yeast. Small, but oh so very powerful. God's love entered the world like never before through Jesus. Will we allow this...

Wise men
Wisdom is the first gift of the Holy Spirit. It enables us to recognize and search out the One who is greater than what this world has...

Completely free
It is the giving of ourselves and receiving from our Lord and Savior out of a loving familial relationship that makes us completely free....

Only to receive
In the giving up of everything we have we become prepared to receive everything God has for us. And everything comes in a baby boy named...

Keeping nothing
Follow the light. Fall before the newborn child. And give everything to Him. Alleluia! Suscipe Prayer Take, Lord, and receive all my...

Sunday of Joy
Gaudete Sunday. Gaudete - Rejoice - To Re Joy. It is now a time to celebrate as Jesus' arrival is quickly nearing. Alleluia!
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