Be Open!From the very beginning God offers His children The Gift beyond all comprehension. Yet, we somehow think we know more than the Creator...
Ephphatha!Be Open! So many meanings. Such depth; when it comes to our God. Are we open to walk out of a life of sin and death into the light of...
Talking to the LordI do mean a real two-way conversation. If we are walking with and listening to the Lord, this is the next step in a developing...
Listening to the LordGod speaks to us in many ways - His creation, family and friends, and scriptures. We decide if His words fall on deaf ears. God Bless!
Walking with the Lord He created us, sustains us, and gives us everything that we are and have. He wants to walk every earthly step with us because He loves...
UnendingOn this journey we continue to meet people and experience situations that enable us to grow. We learn something about our self, God,...