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Closing the Greatest Distance in the Universe
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We don't have to do it alone
God is always with us. He offers us a place in His church and He gives us family and friends of faith. We always have more than enough...

Entering into a deeper reality
Starting from the beginning: Genesis 1:27&31 "God created mankind in his image; in the image of God he created them; male and female* he...

Relationship - Identity - Mission. In our relationship with God, we gain our true identity, which gives us our mission (vocation) in...

When most people think of the deep oceans or deep space, they think of isolation and loneliness. When we talk of going deeper into a...

Back from a 4-day Ignatian retreat. Well fed and refreshed. God is so good! I would recommend and encourage every Child of God to take...

Different, yet the same
We are all the same. We were created by the same God. Our purpose is the same. God wants all of us to be with Him eternally. Our...
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