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Closing the Greatest Distance in the Universe
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Psalm 80:3. This year's Steubenville theme. Jesus died so we could have a relationship with God. What sacrifices do we need to make to...

The mission
To proclaim the Great News. To draw neighbors to Jesus Christ. Yes, it is dangerous. The evil one hates the children of God. That is...

Oh yes we can
With God we can do anything. God Bless!

A faith life without challenges is a faith life without growth. God Bless!

Forgiveness is...
...Easy. I was recently at the filming of a Dr. Ray TV segment. He shared it should be easy to forgive our family, friends, coworkers,...

"Ignatian Indifference" - if something we have assists us in glorifying God, it is good, and we can keep it. If an item doesn't, it's...

To glorify God
A bird glorifies God simply by being a bird.. We are called to do the same simply by being His children and allowing Him to provide for...

Visible & Invisible
We rely on our senses. We focus on what we can see. God's creation includes the invisible and our eyes won't work. A loving heart...

And, man "makes"
There is what man makes in cooperation with God. And then so much that man attempts to make on his own. There is a great difference. ...

God "Created"
Visible and invisible. Good. In abundance. Everlasting. For a purpose - His Glory and to a great extent; our use and pleasure. God...
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