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Closing the Greatest Distance in the Universe
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Firm foundation
Any believe, idea, or relationship not built on a firm foundation will not last. We see that everyday. Our foundation must be built...

Already paid for
There are no hidden costs. Jesus has already paid the price in full. He invites us from the depths of His Sacred Heart to be one with...

New direction
I am being called to a new ministry. I am also being inspired to change this website. I don't know what any of it looks like. My trust...

The tides
The tides of change are coming. Will we rise above it, or be swept away? God Bless!

"Why?" is not...
...the question to be asked. Rather, according to Father Jacques Phillipe, "How do I respond now?" is the question to be asked. God...

Not just today
But everyday our Heavenly Father graces us with. God gives to each of us to give to others. God Bless!

The impact
Life altering for others and ourselves. God Bless!

Doing it
It's from our heart, not our mind. God Bless!

Hearing it
Jesus speaks to us in so many ways - scriptures, books, music, movies, family. His gentle words may challenge or console, but they will...

Seeing it
Gold is a game of imagination; the golfer has to imagine the shot. The same is true for a Disciple of Christ; the student has to see...
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