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Closing the Greatest Distance in the Universe
Recent Posts
God is so very patient. He is also so very gentle. When we respond to His movement in our hearts He will bring about subtle change. ...
Trust only in God
Scripture tells us not to trust in princes or the strength of horses. To trust only in God is liberating and life altering. But...
Right now
We are planners. We always look for the right time to marry, start a new job, move, or make an expensive purchase. Problem is there is...
Don't rush it
When we awake, let us recognize the blessing - God has given us another day. He has a plan. Walk with Him and let Him show us what He...
The wanting
There is what God wants for us and then there in what we want for ourselves. What God wants is based on His perfect plan for us to be...
A different way
After the Wise Men found, worshipped, came into a life-changing relationship with Jesus, they departed a different way. There is two...
God's love is outside the boundaries of time and space. As such it can penetrate, remain, and intensify in our hearts and minds. This...
Seeing is not being
Jesus is the light. And His light is love. We are called not to just be in His light, but to become a part of His light. Alleluia.
We celebrate the birth of our Savior every December 25th. But how long does the impact of this "once in the history of mankind" event...
We are all created to seek the thing that completes us - the Creator - God. He was here just over 2,000 years ago. And He will return....
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