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Closing the Greatest Distance in the Universe
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In the light
Luke 1:76-79 "And you, child, will be called prophet of the Most High, for you will go before the Lord to prepare his ways, to give his...
God frequently shows me I know very little about what is really important - His Kingdom in heaven and on earth. Fortunately, He does it...
Meaningful relationships
Are based on love. They draw us closer to God. And, they allow us to overcome individual shortcomings and promote family based...
In a real day-to-day relationship with Jesus Christ we don't worry about all of the things out of our control (but well within His.) We...
Are we aimlessly going through our days; or do we have purpose in contributing to the greater good? If we stop and listen to our hearts...
...when we cling to Jesus. Physically - caring for our body which is a tabernacle of His Spirit through Baptism and Eucharist. Mentally -...
We all have them. We just don't like to admit them. God knows our limitations too; He created us with them. We just need to work with...
We like simple. It can be quite easy. And yet, we make our lives oh so very complicated. Why? Because we try to do everything our way....
God's way
Will always lead us away from the traps of this world. Never forget He became one of us and was like us in all ways except sin. He is...
So many of us want to do things our own way in our own time; and in that they think lies happiness. Anything else is a burden. God...
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