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Closing the Greatest Distance in the Universe
Recent Posts
Leaving today for a 8-day pilgrimage to this Marian Apparition site. Praying, praying, praying...
We may go to Jesus day after day after day with the same request in prayer. It is in the persistence of our heart He will grant us that...
How much does it take to wear us down? At what point do we come to stand before God with our hearts. Today, we read about Jonah and the...
to do
We are called to action by Jesus. I see too many people "trying" to do and failing. With the trying they are attempting to be in charge....
Like childhood games, we have been picked by the Captain of the winning team. Will we accept His side?
When tempted; pray. Only God can help us through those moments.
Jesus' call to us is not life changing; it is a new life. There is a great difference.
true fasting
Is not physical, but spiritual. It comes from a heart humbled by God and surrendered to God.
On this second day of Lent in the Jubilee Year "Pilgrims of Hope" we are clearly call to choose between God's way or our own. God's way...
What we do out of charity and mercy for neighbor should be unseen. Only God needs to see.
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